To atone for
embezzling, Avon was an altar-boy |
Blake went through
hell for his fashionable perm |
Gan was inordinately
proud of his manicured nails |
...and persisted in
trying to impress Vila with them |
His forcible
manicures were not well received however |
There was only one toilet on the
London |
Blake enjoyed a
little karaoke to pass the time |
...but Avon
resented him hogging the mike |
Jenna always got
bath salts for her birthday and had to pretend surprise |
Avon nagged Blake incessantly
to stop his nail-biting |
Blake always said
grace before meals |
...and made his
confession whenever he could |
Blake tried not to
let Vila stay up past his proper bedtime |
...or the little
guy just couldn't keep his eyes open the next day |
despite his regular
afternoon nap after playtime |
With his huge fingers,
Gan found it hard
to select just one viscast-channel |
Avon always knew
when Cally had been eating his ice-cream |
Blake often flossed at the table, which Avon found somewhat gauche |
Travis was appalled at his arm repair bill after the Aristo incident |
Servalan was always
borrowing Travis's GameBoy |
...and made him beg
to get it back |
Putting superglue on the teleport controls was just another of Vila's little jokes |
Avon hated taking part in Blake's group cheer "Goooooo, rebels!" |
Vila gave his name and number to every pretty girl he met |
Even after a year, Blake still had to be firm with Vila about his bedtime
Shmuel Travis was a nice Jewish
boy whose hero was Moshe Dayan |
Avon resented being made to take political theory classes |
Vila would give the shirt off his back for Blake—at gunpoint |
Travis hated having his annual flu injection |
Avon lost a contact
lens outside Central Control |
Avon was inordinately proud of his skills with blocks |
Jenna's favourite yoga position was the ''cruise passenger' |
Avon's attempt at a Vulcan neck pinch did not go well |
Blake's hogging of the hair-drier irked others in the crew |
Vila's applications for safe office jobs were never accepted |
Vila and Jenna were outraged when a vending machine ate their credits |
Travis felt a right git when he got whiplash during a space battle |
It took Avon a while to realise that his anorak had no fur collar; it was
Vila's trained mice |
The commute to Star
One was a killer |
More than once, Vila
had to crawl back to his cabin after a wild Liberator party |
Vila sometimes
burned the toast |
Tarrant inherited
Blake's big wall-mounted hair-dryer |
Avon would do
anything to avoid Cally's meditation sessions |
Cally's stereo was
an older model with really dorky headphones |
After the first
time, Avon and Vila were prepared for Tarrant's
reaction to curry |
Vila and Dayna
always tried to get out of doing the dishes |
Avon was nonplussed
by the pet Dalek Vila gave him for his birthday |
Avon and Dayna lost
their bet on how many cocktails Vila could make—and drink |
But his lectures on
adrenaline and soma vintages were enthralling |
Other customers
resented Tarrant trying to jump the queue at the hair salon |
Vila's experimental
turbo-toaster was not a success |
Vila was
embarrassed when Soolin caught him playing air-guitar |
Avon had to divert
more power for the hairdryers |
Avon's attempts at
jogging in his leathers were short-lived |
A duel was often
needed to decide who did the dishes on Xenon base |
Tarrant only got third prize in Vila's bum competition |
All visitors to
Xenon base were expected to admire Soolin's watercolours |
Deva constantly
worried whether he had halitosis |