Crew Responsibilities

I got this idea from Greg who saw a children's responsibility wall-chart in a catalogue. Blake made up one for each crewmember.

 I am a responsible crew member  VILA
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x   x x   x tidy the flight deck x
test neutron blasters x x x x x x x clean cheese off the toaster oven x
stay awake on duty   x       x x
not tease Avon       x       check glycolene tanks  
be brave x   x     x   not dry my smalls on the stardrive x
be in bed by 8:30   x       x x
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward will be:
Opened a Federation safe 36 33 A bottle of wine


 I am a responsible crew member  AVON
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every  week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x x   x x   tidy the flight deck x
not argue with Blake               download the latest Microsoft upgrades x
do what Blake says x x   x x x x
not tease Vila     x     x   run virus checks on Zen and Orac x
work on latest gadget x x x x x x x
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward will be:
Saved Blake's life 36 31 A litre carton of ice-cream


 I am a responsible crew member  JENNA
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every  week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x x x x x x tidy the flight deck x
not hog the bathroom   x   x x     check Lib's oil & water x
keep hands off Blake x   x x   x x not get caught speeding x
not be jealous   x x   x   x not get any parking tickets  
try to like Avon x     x   x x
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward will be:
Lost pursuit ships 36 34 A bubble bath


 I am a responsible crew member  CALLY
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every  week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x x x x x x tidy the flight deck x
not get possessed x x   x x   x check medical supplies x
feed my moondisk x x x x x x x replace adrenaline and soma drunk by Vila x
clean its litter tray x x x x x x x
not lecture human crew x     x   x   install new locks x
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward will be:
Killed a Federation guard 36 41 Virtue is its own reward


 I am a responsible crew member  GAN
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every  week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x x x x x x tidy the flight deck  
keep my temper x x x   x x x give crew manicures x
study teleport x   x x   x x Blake's personal trainer x
study toaster oven   x x   x x   keep head away from strong magnets  
not break anything x     x     x
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward is:
Offered to sacrifice self 36 35 Stay up to watch wrestling


In retaliation, the crew made one up for Blake:


 I am a responsible leader  BLAKE
 Every day I will:  Day 1  Day 2  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5  Day 6  Day 7  Every  week I will:  
make my bed x x x x x x x cook / kitchen duty x
tidy up my cabin x x x x x x x tidy the flight deck x
not chew my fingers               tell the crew my plans  
encourage Vila x   x     x   let Vila have a party  
listen to Avon         x     not make Avon attend  
spend time with Jenna x           x notice Jenna's outfit  
meditate and relax       x       wrestle with conscience x
work out   x     x x   wrestle with Gan  
 I did this without being asked:  My weekly goal  My weekly total  My reward will be:
Strategically withdrew 36 27 Happy little rebels