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Guest Artists

This page was updated on 4-May-05 when I added Vila's Royal Mounties, by Minnie.

Minnie's manipulations
T-shirt transfers
Young Avon

Minnie's manipulations

To see Minnie's other beautiful B7 artwork, visit the Nova Drawn page on her Nova site.

Vilabench.jpg (116784 bytes)

Here's a lovely picture of Vila in his 'Shadow' outfit. I requested this one with the sole stipulation that he was alone. In return, I wrote a story based on it. 

Vila and me making a stand.
"You watch my back, I'll watch yours".

VilaNico1.jpg (41491 bytes)

Vila and me in the sunset.
"Why no, Vila, I don't think you look like a target at all."

VilaNico2.jpg (92971 bytes)

Vila and me against the universe.
"You know you're always safe with me, Vila".

Vila's Royal Mounties.
Yes, Vila got everything he wanted in the end, and in red fur too!

That's me on the left (with extra hair and Not My Body) and Minnie (as a blonde) on the right.

T-shirt transfers

These lovely ones of Vila were done for me by my friend Marian.

vila_heart.jpg (32481 bytes)

"Vila stole my heart"

Click here for the high-resolution big version to print out for ironing on

Vanilla3rdsm.jpg (31550 bytes)

"My favorite flavor is VanILla"

Click here for the British spelling high-res version
Click here for the American spelling high-res version

Young Avon

These aren't manips, but I think Alec from 'Dark Angel' looks just like a young Avon, and here are some pics to prove it.

alec11.jpg (7049 bytes) alec1.jpg (10762 bytes) alec2.jpg (10110 bytes) alec3.jpg (8825 bytes)

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